Collection: Raymond Evison Clematis Sale
Clematis is known as the queen of climbers. This carefree perennial has vining stems that will happily scramble up trellises, over arbors and through other plants to create a tapestry of summer color. The star-like flowers bloom in colors of white, pink, red, blue or purple.
The saying about clematis is “they want their feet in the shade but their face in the sun,” Don't take this too literally. They just want moist, rich, soil to grow in with a nice layer of mulch on top, the shade part isn’t necessary.
Clematises belong to one of three groups based on flower size and bloom time.
Group 1: Woody-stemmed types bloom on last year’s stems. Flowers appear in early to mid-spring. Prune after flowering, if desired, to remove deadwood.
Group 2: Double and semidouble flowers should also be pruned as above. They may bloom twice: in May/June on last year’s wood and later in the year on new shoots. But prune after spring flowers fade; remove dead wood in late winter.
Group 3: Large, showy flowers that bloom in summer and autumn are on current year’s growth. Prune severely in late winter/early spring, leaving two pairs of buds on each stem.